Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Cross (as done by Prince)

I'm getting closer to finally finishing Witchcraft 13 in it's DTV market form. I don't really know what's going to happen to it, but I guess it will be out there in one form or another - possibly even with commentary and behind-the-scenes. It seems like a lifetime ago that we were in production on it...but it hasn't even been a year yet. Crazy.

Closet Space is trucking along - we shot some test footage for the tentacles over the weekend. Test footage...tentacles...does that make it "test-tacle" footage? These are the questions that haunt us.

Anyway, the digital FX guy is working on that stuff for us right now, so we can see what he can do with it. The practical FX guy is also doing some tests and designs.

Started doing the CS shooting schedule last night - its another motherf&%ker, but we only have 3 locations. If we can hit things efficiently, I think we'll have no problem shooting this one out.

But then again, I said that last time, didn't I?

In totally unrelated news, I experienced the worst pain I've had to endure in a while at the doctors office today. I will leave you with this: stop using q-tips to clean out your ears immediately. Trust me.

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