Sunday, February 18, 2007

Man, I am getting worse and worse with updating this. Mainly because I'm a good deal of the way through post on Closet Space. We've started the ADR process, and I am enginieering the existing audio as well. It was tedious at first, but I'm kind of in the groove now. This is my first real serious attempt at audio engineering, even after years of being in bands and doing movie stuff. It sounds good so far, though. On a related note, I highly recommend the noise reduction preset in Adobe Audition 2.0 - it's been a huge help.

Edit edit edit...and then Wednesday we head off to the Chicago installment of the Fangoria Weekend of Horrors. A huge gaggle of us are going, so it should be fun. Closet Space, Necrophobia, 100 Tears, and Barricade will all have a presence there. I'm sure I'll freeze my Texas-bred ass off, just like last year. Maybe this time I won't lose my voice.

Big updates are coming as far as the Closet Space soundtrack/score, and premiere date, so look for those soon. We're shooting for a premiere in the Spring...probably April sometime.

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