Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Don't mistake my silence for inactvity. Strap in, 'cause here we go.

FIRST - if you go out and scoop up the new issue of
ENVY Magazine tomorrow (either the Houston or the Dallas version - it has Amaury Nolasco on the cover), you'll notice a TEXAS HORROR blurb on the cover.

Open it up to page 48 (in the Houston one, at least) and you'll see my bloody, axe-wielding mug staring back at you. They gave me an entire page to talk about CLOSET SPACE, horror, and indie filmmaking. Check it out if you can.
For those that can't grab one, I'll be scanning in the article tomorrow.

Also look for the extra special bonus - a photo of CLOSET SPACE star Melanie Donihoo pops up in the Shooting Range feature on page 68.

Extra extra special bonus - Melanie and I got married at the Aurora Picture Show...which is featured on page 46.
So go out and grab one if you can. Support ENVY's continuing support of local filmmakers and musicians.

NEXT - I did a cross-channel cable ad to help promote the CLOSET SPACE screening. It should start airing in the greater Houston area in a couple of weeks. Here it is:

Closet Space Premiere :30 TV Spot

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It was pretty hard to condense the CLOSET SPACE experience into 20 seconds (I left the final 10 for the didactic voiceover and info screen). The task was made easier due to the fact that I couldn't really show anything too talky, graphic, or suggestive, so I ended up going with a lot of shots that I hadn't really used for trailers up to this point. Hopefully that will get some other folks interested in seeing the flick.

THIRD - speaking of seeing the flick, most of the first wave of screeners went out earlier this week. Soon I will discover whether or not I should have stayed in Aerospace Engineering. At any rate, the CLOSET SPACE gang will be at
Texas Frightmare Weekend and the New Jersey Fangoria later this month. Stop by and say hello - we'll have posters and t-shirts to pawn off on you as well.

FOURTH - I think I'm joining another band. More info on that as it develops, but signs point to yes.